My Design Services

Michelle, the funky Celebrant

Custom Built WordPress Driven Website Design.

michelle brand design

Brand Design

Michelle Logo Design

Logo Design

About Michelle, AKA The Funky Celebrant

Michelle is an Essex based celebrant creating fun and personal ceremonies for couples in and around her area.

The Brief

I previously built Michelle’s website using her original brand identity. She approached me recently to refresh her brand and bring in her hashtag of FunkyCelebrant. She wanted a fresh up to date look that showed her personally and style and would appeal to her target audience.

The Conclusion

A brand and logo created to appeal to her customers, with a fresh colour pallet and a series of icons for her services and injecting some of her personality into the design.

The website was designed and built from the ground up using WordPress as the content management system for easy editing and updating. Built as light a possible keeping the site loading fast to Green Web Foundation standards.

Design, Build, SEO

Design, Build, SEO

Design, Build, SEO

Design, Build, SEO

Design, Build, SEO

Design, Build, SEO